R Installation

Go here to download a graphical installer of the latest R version (at least v3.2.2) appropriate for your machine’s

Run the installer and follow its instructions to install the software into a folder you prefer.

It is preferred that the R installation folder path DO NOT CONTAIN BLANK SPACES, because spaces occasionally cause bugs in dependent open-source software packages.

Extra Steps for Windows Users Only

Windows users need one extra step to make sure you can run the command Rscript.exe from the command-line terminal.

RStudio Installation

RStudio is the most popular integrated development environment (IDE) for R.

Go here to download a graphical installer of RStudio Desktop appropriate for your machine’s

Run the installer and follow its instructions to install the software into a folder you prefer.

CRAN Packages Installation

We need to install a number of packages from the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN), a repository of open-source packages developed in R.